I didn't know that there are variations of bristlenoses until I started reading off topics in this forum. Out of curiosity and eager to see all of them at one short, I found this http://www.google.com.sg/images?hl=en&q=picture+of+bristlenose&um=1&ie=UTF-8&source=univ&ei=nWatTK-UAoGGvgP9m-2EDw&sa=X&oi=image_result_group&ct=title&resnum=1&ved=0CCEQsAQwAA&biw=1123&bih=913
Maybe most of you are already very familiar with the different variations, but in Sg, I have only seen, the common BN (black), ABN and longfin, haven't heard or seen the rest. I am so facinated by these, hope u are too.