I may be new to the looking after of apple snail eggs, as such I have limited experience of keeping them moist..
right now they are residing on the top of a fluval 4 plus filter canister, and as the tank lid is moist I am hoping this will
safely incubate the eggs for me...
I know other people have bred them on here so as such would love more advice on easy ways to incubate them
and keep them moist until they hatch and are ready to go...
alternatively at what point to you thing they are ready to sell
Seems I may have another batch tomorrow or the day after as the male and female are mating most of the day now..lol..
so if I do happen to lose my first batch of eggs, I really don't want to lose any more as the apple snails
I find are an effective way of keeping the sand and fine gravel substrate moved....
though I am also after some pink and blue apple snails too if any one in yorkshire as any