Fundulopanchax gardneriCategory: Killifishes.
Distribution/origin: Africa (Cameroon, Nigeria)
Size male/female: Up to 6.5cm.
Gender specifics: Female is far less colourful
Water temperature: 20 - 27°C
Water Parameters: pH .6 – 7.5
GH .5 - 10
Behaviour: Peaceful, some aggression between co-specifics.
Water region: Middle to top.
Difficulty: Easy
Possible tank mates: Small characins, rasboras, dwarf cichlids, Corydoras, small Loricariids and peaceful Anabantoids.
In the aquariumF.gardneri are a hardy non- annual killifish which are suitable for community aquaria and small (22L +) aquaria.
Easily cared for and bred, these fish are recommended for beginner killifish keepers.
Equipment, decor and Aquarium SizeDepending on what size tank you are planning to keep them in, generally speaking they are happy with a small (22L+) aquarium or larger with an air powered sponge filter, suitable heater , maybe a light (not essential but may
be required for live plants).
Substrate is not essential, however may be useful for anchoring any live plants.
Plants are not essential but do provide females a place of refuge from males.
Water ParametersSoft water with a low pH is desirable, although many people report having success with this species at
regular ph7.0 – 7.5.
Does not seem to require additional salts.
FeedingWill accept most freeze dried or frozen live foods, quality flake and pellets are also accepted.
BreedingA spawning mop is placed in the aquarium where the female will lay from 1 – 10 eggs per day (randomly day on days off) which are fertilised by the male.
You can either choose to check the mop/mops regularly or chose to remove the parents from the breeding aquarium. Parents will eat fry and eggs but they don’t always consume them all and you may see the odd fry growing happily with the parents
Checking mops: If you find an egg or eggs you can choose to remove the mop or just the egg.
Killie eggs are tough and can be removed from a mop safely and placed into a clear container of chlorinated tap water (no need to condition chlorine will protect the eggs from fungus) using a pipette or small plastic spoon.
Carefully change the egg containers water every 2 days, and remove any fungal eggs.
Repeat the mop checks daily.
In 12 – 14 days the first egg should have hatched, remove hatchling from egg container and place in your designated grow out tank/container.
Newly hatched fry need infusoria/green water although powdered/liquid flake/fry food may be accepted