FOR SALE: 4ft 210ltr complete aquarium set up
CONDITION: Used but good
PRICE: $350
LOCATION: Adelaide, Australia
POSTAGE (yes/no, cost): No
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: This has been my grow out tank for a long time. It is the last relic of my breeding setup and now needs to make a new home happy as we need the space to set up our home office.
the set up contains:
-4ft tank (210 ltrs)
-4ft twin t5 light unit
-2100l/h canister filter
-silica sand substrate
-large sponge per-filter
-4 outlet air pump
-4 air driven filters (1 sponge filter and 3 corner filters)
-Few bits of driftwood
-plants (java fern and mosses)
-300w heater
-I'll throw a few bristlenose and pure bred endlers in for fun
CONTACT: PM or email