fishnut ... not sure never posted any... will look into it and get back to you...
they are light just need a plastic seal / water tight container. and possible a little damp cotton wool to keep them moist doring postal delivery,
then could post you a few as a token sample to see if they arrive safely
though delivery at your expense - can not be any fairer than that,
as i will be offloading loads to the LFS shortly as having 3-4 clusters is going to spiral my tank parameters when they hatch...
it is hard enough doing a water change every two days now....
the golden apple snails retail up here between £1.75 and £2.75 each.....
I am selling them from about 1cm size at 50p each.... though as your a fellow member will do you a mate rate...
since if they arrive ok... then all i can ask is you pass the site name around and ask people to check us out
think curby would be ok with that, as it gets him so free publicity....
will try to bag and tag a few next week and take them to the post office to see how much they would charge for postage and let you know.
add me as a friend if you like on here then pm me later in the week.
So how would you bag and tag Golden Apple Snails or Apple Snail Egg Clusters to be sent by postal service?
Wonder if there are any special requirements......
kind regards