Hey everyone. I'm somewhat new to BNP's, but not new to the fishkeeping hobby itself.
I recently got 4 Calico BNP's and want to learn as much as I can about them.
I think they are in an ideal tank, lots of DW and fresh veggies every other day..
Just a few questions that I'm having a hard time finding the answer to.
1. Does anyone know what the growth rate is like on these guys?
2. Around what age and/or size do they reach sexual maturity?
3. How long does it take to reach maximum size?
4. What is the average life expectancy?
5. What is the average amount of eggs laid in one spawn?
6. How long does the male raise the fry?
7. How long till the fry reach a size large enough to start thinking about rehoming, and what is that size?